5:30 PM Cocktail Reception, 7:00 PM Dinner and Program
National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045

If you are interested in sponsoring the gala and supporting our crucial democracy efforts, please contact Jen Brake by email at [email protected] or by phone at 202-588-7785.

Honoring Senator Edward J. Markey and State Representative Abdelnasser Rashid

Senator Edward J. Markey, a consumer champion and national leader on energy, environmental protection, and telecommunications policy, has a prolific legislative record on major issues across the policy spectrum and a deep commitment to improving the lives of the people of Massachusetts and our country.

Illinois State Representative Abdelnasser Rashid’s career has been focused on fighting for working families and building a strong middle class. His legislative priorities include property tax relief, affordable housing, environmental protection, and consumer protection.

Remembering Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.

Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D. founded the Health Research Group in 1971 with Ralph Nader, part of the enterprise that launched as Public Citizen that same year. Sid invented a new approach of "research-based advocacy" to get dangerous drugs and devices off the market, win new protections for worker health and safety, address doctor misconduct, challenge the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to do its job, and hold pharmaceutical companies accountable.

Democracy Protection Campaign

All proceeds from the 2024 Gala will benefit Public Citizen’s Democracy Protection Campaign.

Public Citizen’s Democracy Protection Campaign is fighting on the federal level and in states across the country to:

  • Protect our election workers – the front-line workers of our democracy – who are facing unprecedented harassment, violent threats, and election sabotage efforts;

  • Ban deepfakes in campaign ads. Without safeguards against Artificial Intelligence and misinformation, our elections are completely vulnerable to this devastating technology, and ultimately;

  • Pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which together will limit the use of Dark Money in elections, make it much easier to vote by creating nationwide standards for early voting and voting by mail, end partisan gerrymandering, and support public funding of elections.