Tell President Biden: No Robot Fighter Jets or Other Autonomous Weapons

Tell President Biden: No Robot Fighter Jets or Other Autonomous Weapons

The United States Air Force is testing F-16 fighter jets controlled by artificial intelligence — even conducting training dogfights in American airspace between aircraft “piloted” by AI and those with human crews.

This is just one example of a perverse “gold rush” underway right now throughout the military-industrial complex, with tech companies veritably salivating at the prospect of untold billions to be made from the Pentagon’s infatuation with using robots and artificial intelligence in America’s military operations.

To President Biden

Even if they work as intended, autonomous weapons inherently dehumanize the people targeted and make it easier to tolerate widespread killing. American use of autonomous weapons will also spark a new arms race — guaranteed to make the world more dangerous and with no “winner.” It is also highly likely that things won’t go as intended — for example, racial bias and mistaken targeting of civilians are a near certainty. And those are just the risks we can foresee. As commander-in-chief, you should direct Pentagon officials not to develop or deploy robot fighter jets or autonomous weapons.

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