Department of Justice Must Investigate Big Oil

Department of Justice Must Investigate Big Oil

Rep. Jamie Raskin (Maryland) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island) have formally recommended that the United States Department of Justice open an investigation into Big Oil’s deceptive actions.

It is essential that the Department of Justice investigate the fossil fuel industry’s misconduct. Strong evidence already in the public domain suggests that Big Oil has likely violated a number of federal laws. And there is ample reason to think the industry is hiding even worse wrongdoing.

Big Oil must be held accountable for decades of misconduct that have brought the world to the brink of climate catastrophe.

To the United States Department of Justice

Big Oil’s insatiable greed has brought the world to the brink of climate catastrophe. The oil companies have known for 65 years that their business causes climate change — a fact they not only kept from the public, but actively obscured through decades of misinformation and junk science. Big Oil must be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for any and all crimes it has committed in its myopic and catastrophic thirst for profits.

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