FEC Must Not Shirk Duty To Protect Democracy From Political Deepfakes

FEC Must Not Shirk Duty To Protect Democracy From Political Deepfakes

In July of 2023, Public Citizen formally petitioned the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to require that political deepfakes be labeled as such.

But — over a year since we asked the FEC to take this obvious step — it looks like the agency may announce that it is rejecting our petition and shirking its duty to prevent deepfakes from undermining the 2024 election.

This may well be our last chance to make our voices heard before the FEC makes a potentially disastrous mistake.

Please take action right now, even if you’ve taken action before on this critical issue.

To the Federal Election Commission

The FEC’s core responsibility is to safeguard the integrity of our elections. And one of the most serious threats to our democracy is the emergence of political deepfakes. You can still get this right and require that political deepfakes be labeled as such. Democracy itself is hanging in the balance.

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